SMS Appointment Reminders for UK / United Kingdom | GReminders

Put an End to No-Shows

Automated Scheduling & Text Reminders for United Kingdom

SMS Appointment Reminders
Designed for
Google Calendar Google Calendar Microsoft Outlook Office 365 Outlook / O365 / Exchange
Redtail Redtail & Redtail Wealthbox

Automated Text, Email & Voice Reminders

With GReminders set up and forget software, you’ll start eliminating no-shows from day one. Just configure your reminders using our intuitive reminder templates, save your changes, and control everything from your Google or Outlook calendar. It couldn’t be any easier.

You can send SMS text, email, or voice reminders. And when you use our automated scheduling, you can even allow your clients to decide which method they prefer. No other company offers options like that.

Ask your clients to confirm their appointments and receive notifications when they do. It’s all about increasing productivity by eliminating wasted time and lost revenue.

Automated Online Scheduling

Don’t spend time going back and forth trying to schedule client meetings. Instead, let clients book themselves using our automated online scheduling system.

With custom colors, your banner, and your logo, you’ll provide a branded, seamless experience for your clients. You can even embed your scheduling calendar on your website.

Don’t worry about giving up control of your calendar. We provide all the options you need to determine when clients can book meetings with you. And if you still want to book an occasional appointment directly onto your Google or Outlook calendar, it makes no difference. Our reminders will trigger regardless of how the event makes its way onto your calendar.

Loved by Users

Rated Top Appointment Scheduling App by G2 Crowd
Rated Top Appointment Scheduling App by Gartners Capterra
Rated Top SMS Appoinment Reminder App by Google Gsuite Workspace Marketplace

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