GReminders isn’t your typical scheduling/reminder application. We understand how specific data related to events scheduled on your team’s calendars can tell you a lot about the health of your company. Are there too many internal meetings being scheduled and too few client demos? Who in your organization is scheduling the most meetings?
When you use GReminders, you’ll have access to reports to help you understand your business better. GReminders syncs with your Google, Outlook or Redtail calendars, allowing you to schedule meetings using our automated scheduling or schedule meetings manually.
This means our system can gather some or all of the following data on your events:
- Types of Meetings
- How the Event was Scheduled (using Automated or Manual Scheduling)
- Which User’s Calendar an Event was Scheduled on
- What Type of Reminders You are Sending Clients
- The Number of Events that were Confirmed Using GReminders
- The Number of Events that were Rescheduled Using GReminders
- The Number of Events that were Cancelled Using GReminders
- How Many Clients Opted Out of Receiving Reminders
This information can be valuable in helping you to understand who in your organization is scheduling appointments, how many appointments are being scheduled, what type of appointments they are scheduling, and if clients are confirming or declining meetings.
Access Reports
Administrators on your account can access these reports as well as Standard users when the Admin has given access.

To access Reports, go to Usage Reports on the Main Menu and select Activity (above).

To give specific Users access to reports, select Profiles from the main menu. Select the profile you wish to give access to Reports, select it, and check Reports. Learn about setting up Profiles here.
Example Reports
Activity by Day

See how many reminders by type (SMS, Email, or Phone Call) were sent each day and the number of New Bookings and Cancelled Bookings.
Activity by Month

Next, see see activity totals for each month.
Monthly User Activity

Next, see a breakdown of Each User’s Monthly Activity.
Customer Replies by Month

Now see how many events were scheduled on your connected calendars and the number of confirmations. Not happy with how few people confirm their appointments? Try sending reminders based on the status of confirmations. Read more here.
Calendar Events by Month

Understand how many total calendar events were scheduled at your organization, the number that were scheduled using GReminders, and how many events were scheduled by each user.
Meeting Types per Month

When you set up Meeting Types in GReminders, you can see at a glance trends in the number of events scheduled each month. You can also see who is scheduling specific types of meetings. Learn more about setting up Meeting Types here.
We Want to Hear From You!
If you would like to track additional data related to scheduled calendar events, let us know and if possible, we’ll add the data to our reports. Be specific as possible, i.e., do you wish to track by month, day, year, for your entire organization or by individual user. To make your request, contact us here.
GReminders can now help you track important details about meetings in your organization.
If you have any questions about our reports, reach out to us at [email protected]
Happy Scheduling