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Date Criteria for Sending to CRM Contacts (Bulk Sends)

Date Based Bulk Sends

GReminders lets you leverage your contacts in CRM to automate a variety of emails/SMS notifications to Clients around various actions. Common use cases include:

  • Asking for Annual Review Meeting
  • Sending Birthday or Anniversary Wishes
  • Sending a notification when someone hits a certain age, such as age 50 for 401k catch up contributions, etc…

These “lists” require us to “filter” the contacts we want to send to. Contacts in a certain status, category, tag group etc….

Often this criteria includes “Date” Fields. Here we will discuss how date fields can be leveraged for building lists with specific use cases.

Sending on their Birthday:

Sending 1 day prior to their Birthday:

Sending on their 50th birthday:

Sending 1 week after they turn 50:

Assuming you have a field that represents when you need to reach out to them for their next review. Sending on their Next Review Date

Assuming you have a field that represents their “Onboarding Date” (when they became a client) and you want to meet with then every 6 months:

Putting it all together with your Active Clients, “Triple A” Clients, you want to meet every 11 weeks since they become a client:

You can put together various criteria using AND / OR operators to build your list.

Remember you can Preview all your Contacts prior to sending them.

Use this in conjunction with Ongoing Automation to continue to send until they Book a Meeting (assuming this is your primary Call To Action).

We are here to help. If you need help please contact [email protected] OR enlist our dedicated onboarding team to help build these out for you.

Happy Scheduling.

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