Help Center


Event Type Routing Event type routing is used when you would like to route an invitee to schedule with the best possible member of your team. Let’s take a look at an example: In this routing form setup, we’ll determine if the person’s scheduling has previously met with someone in our organization and would like […]

Teams Overview Video

Automated Team Scheduling with GReminders Greminders allows you to create automated scheduling for your team. All-Together Team Events You can set up all-together team events where Greminders will look for a time when all members of the team are available for scheduling. Round-Robin Team Events Round-robin team scheduling is typically used for first-time appointments.

Working Hours

Under Working Hours, set up your default working hours to be used for your availability during scheduling. You can set up specific times you’re available for each day of the week, for example, you may wish to automatically block your lunch hour. You can set up multiple working hours, maybe you have multiple locations with […]