Help Center

Date Criteria for Sending to CRM Contacts (Bulk Sends)

GReminders lets you leverage your contacts in CRM to automate a variety of emails/SMS notifications to Clients around various actions. Common use cases include: These “lists” require us to “filter” the contacts we want to send to. Contacts in a certain status, category, tag group etc…. Often this criteria includes “Date” Fields. Here we will […]

Client Automations – Put Your Scheduling on Auto Pilot

Greminders client automations are designed to put your client notifications and review scheduling on autopilot. To start using client automations, click on Bulk Sends under the Management menu. Bulk sends are available to users subscribed to the Greminders business plan; you’ll have to request access to the feature. Bulk sends are intended to automate communications […]

Client Automation: Bulk Sends

In the client management world, effective communication is the cornerstone of success. Enter GReminders, the trusted ally for appointment scheduling and reminders. But hold on—there’s a twist! GReminders has just released a VERY big update to one of its features and it’s all about how to streamline client communications. If you’re an existing user, you may have utilized […]