Have Staff Schedule on the Client’s Behalf

If you are syncing your CRM Contacts back to GReminders, you can now automatically book a meeting on behalf of your clients very easily with all the data automatically pre-populated for you. Navigate to the Contact Record. Go to Contacts > CRM Contacts and do a simple Search: Click on the Client or Household: Assuming […]

SmartOffice Setup Connection Instructions

Follow the instructions in this article to quickly integrate GReminders with SmartOffice. Setting up User Rights in SmartOffice for GReminders In SmartOffice, go to Setup > User Accounts > User Rights Under the Licenses Section, scroll down to Integrations and select GReminders. Next, you’ll need to gather additional information that you’ll use in GReminders to […]

Date Criteria for Sending to CRM Contacts (Bulk Sends)

GReminders lets you leverage your contacts in CRM to automate a variety of emails/SMS notifications to Clients around various actions. Common use cases include: These “lists” require us to “filter” the contacts we want to send to. Contacts in a certain status, category, tag group etc…. Often this criteria includes “Date” Fields. Here we will […]